made out of ck- iced- out- jewelz. ck- iced- out- jewelz. This photograph captures a massive, biopunk leviathan crafted entirely from gleaming diamonds, blending the features of a deep- sea creature with grotesque, crystalline enhancements. Its once scaled body is now a shimmering array of sharp, faceted diamond plates, refracting light in mesmerizing patterns. Metallic implants are replaced by intricate diamond machinery, and glowing veins of liquid crystal pulse along its spine. Jagged, gem- like fins slice through the water like blades of pure diamond, while its gills are crystalline vents, releasing shimmering, prism- like gases. Its eyeless face is a jagged, angular mass of diamond shards, with a mouth full of razor- sharp, glittering teeth, each one laced with radiant, bioluminescent cracks. The leviathan moves silently, a cold, radiant giant, terrifying and beautiful in its flawless, unnatural perfection